The Project

Kiwirail DART ($600mil) and AEP ($500mil) were the upgrade and electrification of the Auckland Railway Network projects. The projects were implemented over eight years while the public rail service was still operating.

The Optimation

Optime designed, developed and implemented a unique safety management system to support this fast paced, high-risk project. This included a contractor management system that supported and encouraged a “One Team” approach. The leaders, project managers and contractors were provided with training, support and guidance throughout the lifetime of the project. The Optime Way enabled them to manage risks and take responsibility for their role in the safety of the workplace. The outcome was a working culture where safety came first, embedded into every detail of the project, from start to finish.


The management system had the most successful safety record in any rail project to date. The safety regime supported a zero harm goal – over two separate years it was LTI free and is now being implemented nationwide.