Our clients.
Hick Brothers Ltd
To review the company’s health and safety management system. Provide recommendations for improvements that would help the Board reduce incidents and positively position the company to support tenders.
NZ Post Group
NZ Post Group consisted of four subsidiary companies each with its own governing structure and safety management systems. NZ Post Group required one health and safety framework and management system providing consistency across the Group that supported the company’s direction and future changes.
Vodafone NZ Ltd
The V-Day project was to upgrade most of Vodafone’s mobile cell network within 3 months to provide 97% of New Zealand population with 3G and broadband coverage. This high-risk project was delivered using three main contractors mostly working at height and on roof-top/tower locations.
Huawei have an established relationship with Optime since 2010 and Robyn Levinge has helped establish local Health and Safety strategies for major projects, both locally in NZ and in Australia.
Marc Rackett